Thursday, April 20, 2017

National Look Alike Day!

I was reminded on my Facebook account that today is National Look Alike Day!  You know, there is a day for practically everything.  National Ice Cream Day, National Talk Like A Pirate Day, National Flower name it.  So it's not surprising that there is a National Look Alike Day.

Being in the business, my wife and I have a tendency to "see" celebrities in the faces of every day people.  Just this past week, I ran into a "Justin Bieber" and a "Queen Latifah".  When I asked "How many times have you heard that?", they both said "Almost every day."  And both of them said "But I don't sing."

So, naturally, I give them my business card and tell them they could make a lot of money just doing meet/greet.  I tell them they don't HAVE to sing in order to be in this business.  But frankly, I'm not expecting a call from either one.  I don't know if they thing I'm full of BS or they don't think they can do it.

I believe almost every celebrity look alike started out with people telling them OVER AND OVER again that they look like a certain celebrity.  There are a few who got into the business though they look like no one...but they doesn't seem to stop them.  They get the costumes, make up and wigs to get the gist of the character...and they get booked!  We have a special rate for those just starting out!  No "showcase" is required.

But I would like for anyone reading this blog to know that if they are told over and over again they look like someone famous, to attend The Sunburst Convention and quickly learn how to turn that into tremendous fun and profit!  Why not?

It's 100% tax deductable and next year on National Look Alike can say "HEY!  I"m one!"

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