Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Sunburst Conference Blog...please read.

Hi Folks,

I will attempt to answer some questions about why we changed the name.  It's pretty simple.

There are so many "cons" out there these days.  I'm talking about Mega-Con, Dragon-Con, Horro-Con, Wizard-Con and the like.

What has started to happen is that we get many calls each year from potential guests who think it would be fun to "dress up" like a celebrity (even though they don't really look like the celebrity) and come to our convention.

We were starting to get inquiries from people also wanting to dress up like Super Heros, Comic Book characters and video game characters.  That is not what we are about.  This is about entertainers who get PAID to perform and appear as look a likes and tribute artists.

Note, we added the word "Professional" into the title.

So, we changed the name to "conference".  We know many attendees will still call it a convention....I probably will too.   But we hope the name change will help "head off" the cos-players.

That's all.


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